πŸ‘€Watch & Earn

  • Your watch time and contribution are valued!

  • Reward you for the time spent and every activity engaged

  • Enjoy the most popular dance content from users all around the world

  • Cast your vote to support your favorite creators

  • Share the reward pool if your idols are the weekly/monthly Stars

Why Does Watch to Earn Possible?

Before answering this question, users can consider who the value provider is when using Web2 products such as TikTok. It is widely believed that in most Web2 products, the user is the value provider. Products like Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube grab profit based on the content generated by users. But the users themselves do not receive adequate profit sharing. Ironically, sometimes the copyright of the generated content does not even belong to the user.

Web3 technology is designed to break down this barrier and allow network participants, who are also value providers, to receive the most benefit. Therefore, when users watch videos, a large number of user-generated traffic and content create value for DanceFit. DanceFit monetizes this value as a platform and distributes it to the platform’s stakeholders through tokens, while only charging a small portion as the platform’s operating costs.

What Tokens Can Users Earn And How Can They Earn Them?

$DDR and $DFIT are two types of tokens in the DanceFit ecosystem, and they are also the main earning distribution tokens. $DDR is the native token of DanceFit, and there is no limit to its issuance quantity. It is mainly used in the app for upgrading NFTs, restoring durability, Mint & Forge, online Battle challenges, video likes, purchasing virtual character images, skins, backgrounds, and more. The final version of $DDR’s output and consumption mechanism will be determined based on in-app data.

$DFIT is the governance token of DanceFit, which will be used for NFT upgrades and other functions, such as NFT Mint & Forge, purchasing limited edition virtual character equipment, online dance livestream tipping, video likes, creating dance video NFTs, composing accessory NFTs, and challenging advanced dancers. Additionally, users need to consume $DFIT at different levels to upgrade their own NFTs. Furthermore, users can lock their $DFIT through staking to have more governance rights than ordinary users.

The mechanism of Watch To Earn is simple: users watch videos and engage with the platform to receive tokens. Owning a PassNFT can earn even more tokens, with the amount earned depends on the level of the PassNFT. The higher the level, the greater the potential token acquisition. Users can also earn DDR tokens by uploading, commenting, and liking content. Owning a PassNFT can increase the token output for these activities as well. Furthermore, completing daily, weekly, and active tasks and participating in Battle can also increase token output.

Last updated